As expected Samsung revealed its much awaited smartphone Samsung Galaxy S5 in recent Mobile World Congress at Barcelona. The smartphone comes with a powerful quad-core Snapdragon 801 (Qualcomm’s MSM8974-AC chipset) processor, clocked at 2.5 GHz. Unfortunately, its only comes with 2GB of RAM, where latest Galaxy Note 3 comes with 3GB of RAM. I personally expected at least same if not more. Anyway, just like me you too probably willing to know when it going to be available.
Samsung announced April 11 as the grand release date for 150 countries and we now have confirmed information for UK, US and Canada resident about the availability of Galaxy S5 with various carriers.
Confirmed UK Carrier
- EE (Galaxy S5 registration page)
- Vodafone (Galaxy S5 registration page)
- Three
Confirmed UK Retailer
- Warehouse (Galaxy S5 registration page)
- Phones 4U (Galaxy S5 registration page)
Confirmed US Carrier
- T-Mobile
- AT&T
- Sprint
- MetroPCS
- Version
- US Cellular
Confirmed US Retailer
- Best Buy
- Sam’s Club
- Radioshack
- Amazon
- Walmart
- Target
- Costco
Confirmed Canadian Carrier
- Bell
- Eastlink
- Fido
- Koodo
- Rogers
- SaskTel
- Videotron
- Virgin Mobile
- WIND Mobile
That’s all details I have right now for you. I will update this page when more details available. Stay tuned…