Android 4.4 KitKat Goodies: Launcher, Google Apps, Keyboard & Wallpapers

With Nexus 5, Android 4.4 KitKat officially rolled out. And as expected developer started to extract goodies from official stock image that Google make live. As a result we now have a bunch of apps that ultimately help us to give our existing device a Nexus 5 KitKat look without having it really. We also added ringtone download link for those who want to try.

Please note, all apps should work flawlessly on devices running on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean or higher, however you can still try it on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean or below. Also, install the apks as a normal app unless you wanna push it to /system/app and make it a system app. If you are pushing the apks to /system/app or replacing the lib, ensure that the permission is set to rw-r–r– to avoid force close.

All credit goes to MyDeSTiNaTe who collected the info and shared it with us.



Stock Android 4.4 KitKat Launcher — Here’s what you’ll need to install:

  1. PreBuiltGmsCore (Google Play Services 4.0) Download [Mirror]
  2. Velvet (Google Search) Download [Mirror]
  3. GoogleHome (Google Launcher) Download [Mirror]

UPDATE 1: Google Search Force Close fix:

Long press the home screen, select Settings. Select Voice. Select Language to change the default. Change to another language, for me I choose English – UK. Hit Home. Do a Google Search. Repeat the first three steps. Change back to English – US. (you may have to redo this step every time you restart — if you experienced FC — for non-rooted users)


Please extract and replace the /system/lib/ with the one downloaded from THIS or THIS LINK. (permanent fix — for rooted users)

UPDATE 2: “Ok, Google” search feature fix:

If anyone has a problem with the “Ok, Google” search feature, you have to get the English (US) language update. Under “Language and Input” — “Voice Search”/ “Google Now Settings” — “Voice”, tap “Offline Speech Recognition” — “All” and tap “English (US)” to update. After it is done, press home and it should be working! If you’ve cleared data on the app, it’ll erase the update and you’ll need to do this again.

Google Apps Extracted:

Calendar Download [Mirror]

Clock Download [Mirror]

Email Download [Mirror]

Gmail Download [Mirror]

Keep [(Needs Play Services 4.0) Download [Mirror]

Play Books Download [Mirror]

Play Games Download [Mirror]

QuickOffice Download [Mirror]

Keyboard Download [Mirror]

Hangouts 2 Download [Mirror] Video Call Fix


Camera Download [Mirror] Photosphere Fix

Gallery Download [Mirror] PHOTO EDITOR DID NOT WORK


### The fix has to be extracted to replace the previous lib under system/lib, do not flash it. [via XDA]


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