How Can You Take Better Photos Using Your Phone’s Stock Camera

As said, it is not always the gear that matters but the person behind the gear. In today’s world when Android smartphone cameras are getting better and better, these tips will help you. You will be amazed to know our smartphone camera is one of the best cameras that you carry in your pocket.

Best Tips To Capture Moments With Android Mobile With Stock Camera

Follow us as we discuss professional tips to ace the mobile photography game. These top three tips will instantly make you a better mobile photographer from today.


#1 Use the Exposure and Focus Lock

Photo taking tipsUsing the focus and exposure lock will help you better take shots by controlling the exact amount of light you want to use in the photo. While autofocusing systems on Android smartphones are great, sometime we will want to fix the focus on a subject, especially in a crowded scene. Using the exposure lock can also help you to get great landscapes shots out of the camera. Try it today and do share your photos with us.

#2 Try New Angles

Most portraits you see are straight head-on with the subject; you can try different angles to bring more drama to your photos. Likewise shooting a landscape not only means you capture everything in the scene. You can focus on a subject and use the view just as a backdrop. Or else you can even try to use different angles to shoot a simple sunrise that most people will shoot head-on.

#3 Use Manual Settings

Photo taking tipsUsing manual settings on a smartphone will help you better compose shots using the built-in controls. You can manually control the focus and make sure you get the subject in sharp focus no matter how many subjects are in the frame. In addition, you can also make sure the exposure and the white balance of the photos are spot-on to have a well-balanced shot.

Also Read: Top 5 Powerful Photo Editing Apps on Android Smartphone

Be sure to use these tips starting today, and you will notice your smartphone photography to improve instantly. We will share more advanced tips in the coming weeks, be sure to tune in.


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